Friday, December 12, 2008


“Mine own received me not,” He told –
Without self-pity’s tone –
“And, wounded in the House of Friends,
I had to die alone.”

Could we not watch with Him one hour?
Why do we hesitate
To walk with Him across the Brook
Through Kidron’s grave estate?

The need for reciprocity
Could not confound His love –
He found a way to foster us
In spite of the rebuff.

Reproving us with equity –
He breaks a loaf of bread
And feeds a thousand with His words –
“Come unto me – be fed.”

(12 December 2008, Provo, Utah)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


She has issues – problems that drain
Her body – her living.
She seeks solutions for the pain –
Encounters but misgiving.

Unknown by any man – unclean –
No one can approach –
She feels the corner of a robe
That heals without reproach.

“Who touched me?” asks the One whose strength
Poured out to proffer health.
He turns to see a Trembling smile
Repenting of its stealth.

The woman kneels and tells the truth.
“My daughter, go in peace.
The blood that flowed from you is mine.
But blessings will not cease.”

(29 November 2008, Provo, Utah)


Red Dragon seeks to harm the Wife
Whose Son will heal the earth.
She flees into the wilderness –
Her crown a Swaddling’s birth.

Tonight each baby is the Child –
All mothers Mary seem –
All fathers proxies for our God –
All angels Joseph’s dream.

The Church appears – a woman clothed
With sun and shod with moon –
Although a Heady Beast brands men
The Bridegroom will come soon.

The Dragon Killer wins the war –
Defeating Babylon –
While Zion rises from the dust
To put a white dress on.

(15 November 2008, Provo, Utah)


The wind is wiping waves of dust –
The storm is whipping screens –
Just to the east of the garden
An Angel intervenes.

His two-edged sword is flaming –
His countenance is flint.
The Tree of Life stands gleaming –
Awaiting His consent.

You know the way ahead is strait –
You know the coast is clear –
Press forward in the Ark of faith –
You know Christ will appear.

His Body makes a bridge to cross
From sea to firmament.
He stretches like a rainbow arch
From earth to sacrament.

(1 December 2008, Pleasant Grove, Utah)


Our Father is a Modest Man.
He shows His face – but rare.
His words come as a rustling voice
In scriptures – or through prayer.

He lets Creation speak for Him.
He has the Creatures tell
The stories of His handiwork –
The letters of His spell.

He stands behind apocalypse –
Provides a faithful veil
To guard us from the blinding light
Of Love that cannot fail.

He helps us without recompense
Sufficient for His pains –
Provides us with abundant life –
With sacrificial gains.

His name is Man of Holiness.
His style is reticence.
His arguments are enthymemes –
Concise intelligence.

(2 December 2008, Provo, Utah)