Monday, June 29, 2009


CALCIUM LINE (from James K. Hallen and Emily E. Dickinson)

The stars that move away are red –
Approaching ones are blue.
Red arteries give oxygen –
The blue veins will refuel.

The Magellanic clouds are stars
Below Equator’s ring.
The Earth – light’s brightest radio –
Has prayers for signaling.

Circumference – periphery
Will bear the words around.
Mimesis – imitatio –
A Milky Way of sound.

Periphrasis tells truth by slant
In rays of slight degree.
CircĂčmlocĂștion tilts the Pole –
Reception’s apogee.

(21 June 2009, Pleasant Grove, Utah)


Outsideofacat said...

i like it a lot. i like the blue and red stars, a strong, original image. tell the truth - but tell it slant? i will have to read it again when my head is less tired, but even so, i can tell there are many interesting images and ideas here.

Cynthia Hallen said...

My brother loves astronomy, so he gives me lessons from time to time about things like the calcium line.