Friday, February 5, 2010


SLAKE (DC 27:15-18)

We take the shield of Faith wherewith
We quench the darts of fire –
We wear the armor to withstand
The Adversary’s ire.

How do we gird our loins with Truth
To banish wickedness?
How do we put the breastplate on
To stand in Righteousness?

How do we shoe our feet with Peace?
Where is the Spirit’s sword?
The helmet of Salvation is
The cup where Light is poured.

(3 February 2010, Pleasant Grove, Utah)


Bruce and Mary Lee said...

Beautiful and thought-provoking--when you have some answers to the questions, let me know!
So "slake" meaning to slake our thirst (weary from the battle) with the Light poured into our helmets?
So glad you are always writing, wriing! I see a joyful reunion for you and Emily some day.
Love to you, dear friend,
Mary Lee

Cynthia Hallen said...

Yes, the title "SLAKE" goes with the word "quench." Thank you for reading my verses and making comments. Miss you here.