Monday, September 22, 2008


To hope for someone else
What we ourselves would gain –
To pray that happiness will shine
When our light starts to wane –

This is the test of time –
This is the trial of troth –
When we seek blessings for a friend –
The heavens smile on both.

(22 September 2008, Provo, Utah)

1 comment:

Liz said...

Sister Hallen,

I love this. One thing I have learned since moving far, far away from home is that when I begin to feel lonely, I need to look to serve others. When I feel like life is going poorly, the best thing to do is to pray for the blessings on other people. It draws me outward and enables me to find joy through other people. Somehow, someway, the Lord blesses the other person and me.

You are an amazing Book of Mormon teacher! I love being in your class and I love the spirit you bring. You are what I would like to become.