Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Elegy for Ann-Marie (2021 Utah Poetry Festival video)




             ELEGY FOR ANN-MARIE


Translation was her expertise.

She moved from word to world in grace –

Interpreting the gist of truth

With love that helped her hand replace


One sentence for an equal thought –

One meaning for another sense –

She captured idioms of time

In native lyric resonance.


She taught the brilliant and the meek –  

She crossed the channel for her friends –

Secured the children of her nest –

Bequeathed her heart – bestowed her best.


She guided me from Park to Hägg

At Stockholm’s University –

Propounded works that Poets make –

Translating Light’s diversity.


And now she moves to other realms –

Traverses new dimensions there –

Reversing mortal pains to odes

That celebrate a brighter sphere.


I see her at the Blue Hall feast –

I see her walking on the stairs –

I see her greeting loved ones gone –

I see her free from this life’s cares.


Her Presence honors one and all –

She wears a sapphire velvet Gown

While dancing in the Golden Hall

Of laureates and Triple-Crowns.


(1 February 2018, Provo, Utah)

[To Ann-Marie Vinde, translator of Emily Dickinson and Ford Madox Ford]



Anonymous said...

Beautiful tribute, Cynthia!

Sally Babbitt said...

Beautiful tribute, Cynthia!