Friday, November 19, 2010



Just what did Jesus say that night
When words poured from His soul?
What dialogue with Deity
Streamed forth to make us whole?

How could He speak for every one –
Translating every woe?
How did He share the tales of grief
That no one else would know?

Who heard His empathetic plea?
Who saw Him bend and groan?
Who witnessed the atoning prayer
When He was left alone?

How could He drink the bitter cup
He never sought to fill?
How did He raise all mortals up?
How could He climb the hill?

How could He bear the travesty?
Why would He take the blame?
Why did He take the mockery
Of Priests who had no shame?

What thoughts went through His righteous mind?
What feelings broke His heart?
How could He represent us all?
How did He do His part?

(Sunday, 14 November 2010, Pleasant Grove, Utah)

1 comment:

Dallin said...

This is one of my favorites of yours. Beautiful. It should be a hymn.